Boutique brand ADVentura Cigars tells stories through their cigars, often focusing on themes of pioneering and exploration from the Old World to the New World. While such adventures often center on triumph and uncharted potential, the La Llorona cigar takes a bit of a darker turn...
La Llorona (translating to The Weeping Woman) stems from Latin folklore, describing a vengeful ghost who scours the seas, mourning her children whom she drowned... "She appears when least expected and shows mercy to no one." Thankfully, ADVentura's La Llorona cigar provides quite the opposite experience. The cigars are among the most fine-tuned creations from ADVentura to date, boasting an Ecuadorian Corojo wrapper, a Dominican binder, and fillers of Nicaragua and the DR. ADVentura La Llorona cigars are elegant yet bold (like their namesake ghostly figure), lighting up with a medium intensity and mouthwatering flavors of toasty cedar, cabinet spice, roasted nuts, and touches of caramel.
Country of Orgin : Dominican Republic
Strength : Medium
Wrapper : Corojo
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Michelle Pauser - ADVentura La Llorona Robusto
Surprisingly milder in strength than what I expected, but still plenty of flavor and complexity. I’m sad it’s a limited production!
Jesse Trimble - ADVentura La Llorona Robusto
This company is onto something really special with their line of tobacco offerings. This cigar smoked beautifully with complexity and to me it should be priced higher. Great cigar for the value.
John Caro - ADVentura La Llorona Robusto
The myth of La Llorona is that she haunts waterfront areas mourning her children whom she drowned, should not scare you from partaking in this mouth-watering masterpiece. The Corojo wrapper offers an wonderful flavor and the long finish offers flavors of cedar and caramel. A fantastic blend by ADV that exemplifies Henderson Ventura's blending capability. The box artwork and the double band offers a neat twist.
Keith Webber - ADVentura La Llorona Robusto
Not what you expect from a Dominican cigar at all. In the first two thirds you will find Carmel, sweetness and espresso and in the final third you’ll find a pepper bomb. This brings me back to what a Dominican cigar once was and should be
Jeremy Caudill - ADVentura La Llorona Robusto
Fantastic Cigar! Overall Flavor and construction is on point. Perfect cigar to smoke right after a good lunch.
Kenneth Stewart II - ADVentura La Llorona Robusto - 5 Pack (Verified buyer)
Great cigar, one of my favorites from Adventura, sweet, mild to medium bodied
Michael Cruz - ADVentura La Llorona Robusto - 5 Pack (Verified buyer)
ADV keeps in-line with rest of their lineup with this stick. Very good flavors, very good construction medium plus strength that will have your palette salivating.
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