In the world of premium cigars, there remains an air of mysticism around legacy Cuban brands, especially those that were formed before the Cuban Revolution of the late '50s. These brands are virtually untouchable, being handled by only three companies (one in Cuba and two outside Cuba) throughout the world... that is, until Master Blender A.J. Fernández turned the industry on its head!
With both Nicaraguan cigars and A.J. himself quickly taking the world by storm, it wasn't long before such legacy Cuban brands were turning to Fernández to give their brands not only a Nicaraguan makeover, but the sought-after AJF magic touch. Today, nearly all the best-known legacy brands feature an A.J. Fernández version, but the Ramon Allones by A.J. Fernández took this one step further, essentially handing over the brand itself to A.J.'s discretion.
In other words, the Ramon Allones by A.J. Fernández isn't simply <em>made</em> by A.J., it's actually an official AJF core-line cigar! Naturally, this meant that the blend needed something a little extra... A.J. opened the tobacco vaults and brought out a special Nicaraguan-grown hybrid-seed medio tiempo wrapper. This is a rare ingredient not commonly used for wrapper, as it is the highest-priming leaf, found on an extremely small percentage of tobacco plants. This thick and pungent leaf brings added intensity to the blend (all-Nicaraguan binder/fillers), making for a full-flavored, full-bodied experience for the die-hard cigar enthusiast. Expect rich complexities throughout, with standout notes of baker's cocoa, punchy earth, black pepper, bourbon-soaked oak, and a deep creaminess.
Country of Orgin : Nicaragua
Strength : Medium-Full
Wrapper : Maduro
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Michelle Pauser - AJ Fernandez Ramon Allones Robusto (Verified buyer)
This one hits all the right spots. Bold in every way but still approachable. I can handle a hefty amount of nicotine but I still make sure to eat something before grabbing one of these just to be safe. Great flavors stand out. Love this cigar!
Jesse Trimble - AJ Fernandez Ramon Allones Robusto
For some reason these remind me of the Dias Gloria but more amped up. Beautiful wrapper as well.
Randy Alford - AJ Fernandez Ramon Allones Robusto - 5 Pack (Verified buyer)
Received in a cotm. Since have had to get another five. Loads of flavors throughout the full cigar. Smoke em to the nub.
Christopher Barnett - AJ Fernandez Ramon Allones Toro
COTM cigar. Really good cigar, loved the notes. Smoked excellent, great construction, will definitely add this to my “buy” category.
Bradlee Wilson - AJ Fernandez Ramon Allones Toro
Ramon x AJ. What a combo! Beautiful display of what AJ does when he gets involved. Bakery breads, fig, spice, sweet tobacco and an all around medium bodied cigar that has made for an amazing experience.
Michael Cruz - AJ Fernandez Ramon Allones Toro
My favorite AJ cigar hands down. An excellent Maduro cigar that will have you purchase box after box with its full flavor strength and flavors
Tony McDowell - AJ Fernandez Ramon Allones Toro
This stick screams Nicaragua! Very rich with and punchy. It's a real powerhouse but excellent!
Daniel Engel - AJ Fernandez Ramon Allones Toro - 5 Pack
I received this cigar in the September COTM shipment. I'm not a big fan of the AJ line so I was hesitant to try this one. I was surprised with this cigar. Very smooth draw. The flavors were complex. It was getting a black licorice and espresso flavor. I actually nubbed this cigar it was so good. I may have to revisit the other AJ cigars soon.
Gary Shaffer - AJ Fernandez Ramon Allones Toro - 5 Pack (Verified buyer)
Received the Ramon Allones Toro with the COTM. I typically use a punch but have a cutter handy just in case I can't get a decent draw on the cigar. I will tell you that this cigar gave a very nice draw with the punch and it produced a great amount of smoke with very little effort. A spicy cigar that did not disappoint. Will purchase again. Very pleased with this cigar!
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