In 2019, an unusual cigar began cropping up on social media, eventually becoming one of the most acclaimed under-the-radar cigars in craft smoking circles. The cigar at hand is Viva la Vida by Artesano del Tobacco—a Nicaraguan puro that is quick to turn heads with its vibrant artwork, depicting a jester reminiscent of Batman's Harley Quinn character.
Taking a deeper dive into Viva la Vida, the buzz begins to make sense. This is because the cigar is rolled at the highly sought-after Tabacalera Fernández factory in Estelí, made under the watchful eye of Master Blender A.J. Fernández. Not only this, but Viva la Vida also makes use of Fernández's prized Nicaraguan leaf throughout the blend, including high-grade selections such as a Habano Oscuro 2000 wrapper, Corojo ’99 binder, and Criollo ’98 fillers. Rolled in primarily large-gauged formats, Viva la Vida brings out a voluminous smoke output, medium-full body, and high-energy flavors of cabinet spice, fresh-roast coffee beans, aromatic hardwoods, and sweetened condensed milk through the finish.
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