After updating the look and feel of AVO Cigars, the brand has now released their first, new, regular production cigar under their new design - AVO Syncro Nicaragua!
The Syncro name stems from brand ambassador Avo Uvezian and his impressive background in the music industry - intricately 'synchronizing' Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos for the discerning enthusiast. Not only is this AVO's first regular release Nicaraguan-influenced cigar, but the first box-pressed release as well.
Tobaccos have been carefully selected by the Master Blenders at Davidoff, utilizing a specific Nicaraguan filler from the remote island of Ometepe, counterbalanced by Davidoff's prized Dominican tobaccos. The complex fillers are wrapped in a Dominican binder and a gorgeously smooth Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper leaf, making for a superior, refined smoking experience.
Country of Orgin : Dominican Republic
Strength : Medium-Full
Wrapper : Ecuadorian
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Nicholas Neher - Avo Syncro Nicaragua Toro
I received this cigar in the smoke inn COTM and it was just filled with flavor. It was definitely a great smoke and I would revisit it again.
JACOB NEELY - Avo Syncro Nicaragua Toro
Good cigar, love the Ometepe tobacco in the blend. Doesn't require too much thought or attention; great at BBQs.
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