When Sindicato Cigars launched in 2013, the elegant yet affordable Affinity cigar was among their first releases. Sindicato was originally built/backed by a collection of the industry's top retailers. As such, the company had a unique perspective as to what cigar hobbyists wanted; namely, a smooth and refined white collar smoking experience that was priced for everyday enjoyment.
Enter the Sindicato Affinity, an attractive blend that is crafted out of the fan-favorite NACSA factory in Estelí, Nicaragua. The Affinity begins with Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos at the core of the blend. These leaves are secured with a Nicaraguan binder and finalized with a bronze-hued Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. This concoction is smooth and creamy, yet hearty enough to keep your attention. With a mild-medium body, standout flavors include that of citrus, clean cedar, barnyard hay, and Nilla wafer.
Country of Orgin : Nicaragua
Strength : Mild
Wrapper : Claro
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Kenneth Stewart II - Affinity Toro
Good cigar, mild, creamy, nutty, good for someone just getting into cigars
Bradlee Wilson - Affinity Gran Toro
Cigar came in the COTM club package. Was not too memorable but not bad at all! Almost any cigar is a good cigar and Sindicato doesn't miss the mark. Was a decent medium to light bodied smoke, would be great for beginners.
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