Alec Bradley American Classic Churchill - 5 Pack
Made in Nicaragua, the American Classic Blend introduces a beautiful Connecticut Shade wrapper that sets the tone for this mild to medium bodied cigar. This Connecticut Shade leaf is grown in Honduras making stand out from the multitude of mild Connecticut Shade wrapped cigars. Flavorful Nicaraguan tobacco from Jalapa comprises the binder while equally distinctive leaves from Estelà and Condega make up the filler. Because the balance of these tobaccos only hints on the mild side, this is a great opportunity for those lighter smokers to step it up a notch in the strength department.
The complexity and progression this cigar encompasses is very impressive. American Classic Blend begins with that understated spice among a predominately buttery and sucrose nuttiness. As the ash travels up, the smoke bellows and the draw continues to open. That sweetness becomes background noise as the palate experiences a slight roasting of the prevailing flavors. The final chapter of this story involves the continued maturation of Nicaraguan spice yet never becomes overwhelming.
Alec Bradley's American Classic is also alluringly aesthetic. The vibrant band clearly displays that Americana feel with patriotic images and colors so gripping you'll swear you smell apple pie. And if there's any misunderstanding of Alan Rubin's intent, you can find an emblem with George Washington displayed quite heroically inside the box.
Strength : Medium
Wrapper : Claro