Arriving with the tagline "Sometimes, bigger is better," the Alec Bradley MAXX cigar ticks all the boxes for the vast majority of cigar hobbyists, be they newcomers or seasoned vets!
Debuting in an era where petit cigars dominated, Alec Bradley took a different approach, rolling the MAXX cigar in a suite of commanding sizes. This style brought along a host of benefits, allowing for a diverse tobacco recipe (more room = more tobaccos!), a smooth draw experience, and long and maintenance-free smoking experiences perfectly suited for golf outings, multiple evening cocktails, or even a good chunk of your nine to five (should you be lucky enough to smoke on the job!).
The Alec Bradley MAXX cigar is rolled in Honduras and is crafted from an oily Nicaraguan Habano wrapper, a Costa Rican binder, and an AB secret filler recipe from four countries. This makes for medium-bodied smoking sessions with a good flavor output, hitting highlight notes of punchy earth, toasted oak, slightly zesty cabinet spices, and cocoa through the finish.
Country of Orgin : Honduras
Strength : Medium
Wrapper : Habano
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Tim Beaulieu - Alec Bradley Maxx The Fix
Large ring gauge, super solid construction. Draw is excellent (I used an s-cut). Lots of smoke with spicy, chocolate and earthiness. Honduran cigar (as AB does well) has a complexity of flavor with FOUR fillers. You can’t go wrong with this one. Very much enjoyed as a medium strength cigar.
Joseph Gehl - Alec Bradley Maxx The Fix
Okay this is my favorite Alec Bradley cigar . It is bursting with flavor and ill always have some on hand. great great cigar.
Juan castillo - Alec Bradley Maxx The Culture (Verified buyer)
This is a great smoke one of the few I like about ab
Jeremy Caudill - Alec Bradley Maxx The Culture
So many different tobaccos in this cigar make for a complex smoke. Great flavors. I recommend this cigar if you are looking to branch out and try different countries tobaccos.
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