Selected Tobacco is often considered one of the best-kept secrets in the world of super-premium cigars. The company is a passion project for Nelson Alfonso Egüed, who is better known in the cigar scene for his design work, being responsible for legendary displays such as the Cohiba Behike and Padrón's 50th anniversary humidor.
With an inherent Cuban aesthetic throughout his projects, Nelson is capable of luring in the stingiest of aficionados with cigars such as Atabey andByron. Now, after being inspired by certain wine-aging practices, he has unveiled the Alfonso Extra Añejo cigar as his most premium smoking experience to date.
While Selected Tobacco cigars are known for their refined age, the Alfonso Extra Añejo takes it to new heights. Borrowing from wine aging, the Alfonso Extra Añejo is aged on both cedar and French oak, taking on the complexities that the aromatic woods have to offer for a total of five years before making its way to humidors. In terms of blend, the cigars feature an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper and binder, which are secured over Nicaraguan ligero and Peruvian filler tobaccos. This makes for an unrivaled experience in terms of complexity, lighting up with nuanced flavors of sweet cedar, vanilla wafer, white pepper, florals, and cream through the finish. It's a celebratory smoking experience of the highest caliber.
Country of Orgin : Costa Rica
Strength : Mild-Medium
Wrapper : Connecticut
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
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