J.C. Newman Cigar Co. continues apace into the next generation, paying homage to the premium cigar industry's rich history while helping to shape the direction of the future with the ultra-premium Angel Cuesta cigar.
For years, one of J.C. Newman's most popular releases has been the Cuesta-Rey series, offering a host of classic smoking experiences out of the legendary Tabacalera A. Fuente factory in the DR. The cigars were revived from a vintage brand of the same name, which began in 1884 and later became the official cigar of 19th-century Spanish King Alfonso XIII.
Now, J.C. Newman seeks to pay homage to Angel LaMadrid Cuesta—the original founder of the brand—with a super-premium smoking experience worthy of Cuesta's impressive legacy. Angel Cuesta cigars were inspired by a cigar of the same name, which was rolled a century prior. With the modern rendition, the cigars feature near-identical boxes, bands, and overall design to the early 1900s original.
The cigars follow the path fist forged by J.C. Newman's The American cigar, being rolled out of the company's newly renovated El Reloj cigar factory in Tampa, Florida, which is the oldest working cigar factory in America. The cigars are hand-rolled by a team of only two rollers, capping production at 150 Angel Cuesta cigars per day. The blend itself is kept largely secret, with the Newmans disclosing only the cigar's Ecuadorian Havana rosado wrapper and an undisclosed filler recipe hailing from three continents. The cigars are offered in a range of three meticulously crafted sizes, boasting pigtail caps and extended wrappers that cover the foot.
Angel Cuesta cigars are released in small batches only two times per year, offering a highly refined smoking experience for cigar enthusiasts, collectors, those with an appreciation for premium cigar heritage, and of course, the seasoned palate.
*No promotional codes or offers available with these items
Country of Orgin : USA
Strength : Medium
Wrapper : Habano
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
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