Arturo Fuente: Since 1912, is an extraordinary addition to the Assouline Ultimate Collection, following the success of The Impossible Collection of Cigars. This oversized, hand-bound book is expertly crafted in Italy and finished with authentic hand-tipped cigar bands. It comes presented in a meticulously handcrafted clamshell box, making it a prized possession for any cigar connoisseur, especially for those devoted to Arturo Fuente cigars.
Written by Aaron Sigmond, a distinguished cigar expert, Arturo Fuente: Since 1912 celebrates the remarkable achievements of the Fuente family across three generations. This volume showcases how their surname and their OpusX marque have become synonymous with global luxury and gourmet indulgence. The book features exclusive photography by Ian Spanier, providing an immersive experience for readers.
The book also includes contributions from distinguished personalities in the cigar industry, such as actor-director Andy Garcia and Ciro Cascella, the executive president of Tabacalera A. Fuente. With a foreword by Garcia and an afterword by Cascella, this book is a tribute to the timeless passion of cigar aficionados and the Fuente family's legacy.
In summary, Arturo Fuente: Since 1912 is an exquisitely designed and informative book that pays tribute to the unparalleled excellence of Arturo Fuente cigars and the Fuente family's legacy. It is a must-have for any cigar lover's collection.
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
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