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Ashton Cigars

Ashton Cigars

The History of Ashton Cigars:

The history of Ashton Cigars is a tale of passion, dedication, and a commitment to producing premium cigars of exceptional quality. Founded by Robert Levin in the 1980s, Ashton quickly became a prominent name in the cigar industry.

Robert Levin's journey began when he entered the tobacco business in Philadelphia. Recognizing the growing demand for high-quality cigars, Levin ventured into cigar retail, setting the stage for what would become the Ashton brand. In 1985, Ashton made its debut as a brand associated with excellence and sophistication.

Ashton Cigars gained recognition for its meticulous blending and craftsmanship. The brand's commitment to using only the finest aged tobaccos contributed to its reputation for delivering a consistently enjoyable smoking experience. The Dominican Republic became a key location for Ashton's cigar production, known for its fertile soil and conducive climate for growing premium tobacco.

The company's flagship line, Ashton Classic, was introduced with a Connecticut Shade wrapper, offering a smooth and mellow smoking experience. The Ashton Cabinet Series followed, showcasing the brand's dedication to using well-aged tobaccos and further solidifying its standing among cigar enthusiasts.

One of the significant milestones for Ashton Cigars was the collaboration with the Fuente family, another esteemed name in the cigar world. This partnership allowed Ashton access to the Fuente's expertise and premium tobacco, contributing to the exceptional quality of Ashton's blends.

Ashton continued to expand its portfolio over the years, introducing various lines and limited editions. Each cigar was a testament to the brand's commitment to excellence, and Ashton's consistent quality control processes ensured that enthusiasts could always expect a superior smoking experience.

The Ashton VSG (Virgin Sun Grown) line, introduced in 1999, further elevated the brand's reputation. With a bold and rich flavor profile, the VSG line quickly gained acclaim for its use of Ecuadorian Sun Grown wrappers and a blend of Dominican long-fillers.

Robert Levin's vision for Ashton Cigars was not just about creating cigars but about crafting an experience that reflected sophistication and luxury. The brand's attention to detail extended to its packaging, with elegant and distinctive bands and boxes that complemented the premium nature of the cigars.

Today, Ashton Cigars stands as a symbol of excellence in the cigar industry. With a legacy built on passion, quality, and a dedication to providing enthusiasts with memorable smoking moments, Ashton continues to be a favorite among those who appreciate the finer things in life.

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