Since debuting in 2012, Asylum Cigars has been on the forefront of modern smoking preferences such as fuller-bodied profiles and commanding gordo sizes. But there was one contemporary cigar missing from their portfolio: flavor infusion...
Enter the Asylum 867, a series of three cigar blends from Asylum, showing off a new flavoring technique that the brand describes as "tobacco steeping." Developed by tobacco mastermind Christian Eiroa, the steeping process showcases bright and vivid flavor profiles throughout the Asylum 867 line, including the Auntie, Zero, and Midnight Oil cigar blends.
Asylum 867 Midnight Oil
The Asylum 867 Midnight Oil cigars are rolled in the commanding gordo formats that fans have come to expect from Asylum. The cigars' steeped tobaccos and sweetened cap combine with a billowing smoke output, showing atypical flavors of Cavendish pipe tobacco, wild honey, and foreign spices.
Country of Orgin : Honduras
Strength : Medium-Full
Wrapper : Natural
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
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