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Asylum Cigars

Asylum Cigars

The History of Asylum Cigars:

Asylum Cigars, a brand recognized for its bold and innovative approach to cigar-making, emerged onto the scene in the early 2010s, making a distinctive mark in the industry. Founded by Christian Eiroa and Tom Lazuka, Asylum quickly became synonymous with large ring gauges and flavorful blends.

Christian Eiroa, with a background deeply rooted in the cigar world, having been the former president of Camacho Cigars, brought his expertise to the creation of Asylum. Tom Lazuka, a passionate entrepreneur and cigar enthusiast, collaborated with Eiroa to establish a brand that would push the boundaries of traditional cigar sizes and flavors.

Launched in 2012, Asylum Cigars aimed to cater to enthusiasts who appreciated cigars with larger ring gauges, a departure from the more conventional sizes prevalent at the time. The brand became known for its commitment to producing cigars that offered an intense and satisfying smoking experience.

One of Asylum's early successes was the Asylum 13 line, featuring robust and flavorful blends encased in large-ring-gauge formats. This line, in particular, captured the attention of cigar enthusiasts looking for a bold and full-bodied smoking experience.

Asylum Cigars continued to innovate, introducing unique sizes and experimenting with different tobacco blends. The brand's commitment to quality and consistency remained unwavering, and it expanded its portfolio to include a variety of lines, each with its own distinct characteristics.

The brand's collaboration with renowned cigar blender Christian Eiroa ensured access to premium tobacco, and Asylum's cigars often featured Honduran and Nicaraguan tobaccos known for their richness and complexity.

In addition to their regular production lines, Asylum ventured into the realm of limited editions and special releases, creating a sense of anticipation among cigar enthusiasts. The brand's packaging reflected its bold and edgy identity, with eye-catching designs and labels that mirrored the adventurous spirit of Asylum Cigars.

Asylum Cigars embraced the notion that cigars should not only be a product but an experience. The brand actively engaged with the cigar community through events, promotions, and social media, fostering a connection with enthusiasts who shared a passion for bold and distinctive smokes.

With its fearless approach to size, flavor, and presentation, Asylum Cigars has carved a niche for itself in the industry. The brand's commitment to pushing boundaries while maintaining a dedication to quality has earned it a loyal following among those who seek out memorable and adventurous cigar experiences. Asylum stands as a testament to the dynamic and evolving landscape of the modern cigar industry.

If you’re looking for the full range of Asylum Cigars, look no further than Smoke Inn. With our unrivaled customer experience and amazing shipping speeds, you can find the best prices on Asylum Cigars online here at Smoke Inn.

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