Fans of dark-wrapped Dominican smoking experiences rejoice, as AVO Cigars has brought back the AVO Maduro for the modern era! The AVO Maduro was initially introduced in 2000, showcasing Avo Uvezian's first cigar blend (AVO Classic) in a savory Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper. Sadly, this blend was put on hold in 2015, as AVO re-branded and consolidated its portfolio.
AVO Maduro is now here to stay, offering the flavor-demanding enthusiast a taste of true Dominican complexity of a darker variety. This cigar incorporates all-Dominican binder/fillers, including the cigar's famed 25-year-aged leaf at the blend's core. This contrast of gritty American maduro and highly aged Dominican character provide tremendous results, offering up fine-tuned nuance with an edge! AVO Maduro is medium in body and relentless in flavor, transitioning from start to finish with unforgettable flavors of toasted oak, black pepper, mocha, black licorice, and smooth vanilla through the finish.
Strength : Medium
Wrapper : Maduro
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Jesse Trimble - Avo Classic Maduro Robusto (Verified buyer)
Truly is a classic. It's chocolate and black coffee with impeccable construction. It's a medium blend that allows the natural maduro sweetness to come through.
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