Since the early 2000s, fans of AVO Cigars have been treated to a special-edition limited release from the brand on an annual basis, being considered one of the longest-running limited series in the world of premium cigars.
New for 2024, AVO continues the tradition with the release of the AVO Expressions Limited Edition 2024 cigar. The project is a unique collaboration with acclaimed DJ D-Nice (also known as a member of '80s hip hop group Boogie Down Productions), tying in nicely with the musical themes throughout AVO's rich history.
Described as "a tribute to the artistic expression and innovation at the heart of AVO Cigars," the AVO Expressions Limited Edition 2024 cigar is a flavor-focused experience for cigar and music enthusiasts the world over. Weighing in at 6½" x 50, the toro consists of an Ecuadorian wrapper, a Mexican binder, and fillers from the DR and the US. Additionally, a portion of the filler blend was further aged in spent bourbon barrels, adding a refined complexity to the overall experience. With a medium-light body, the emphasis is placed on nuance and refinement, lingering with flavors of cedar, buttered toast, candied nuts, and toffee sweetness through the finish.
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
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