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CAO Cigars

CAO Cigars

Discover CAO Cigars at Smoke Inn

Smoke Inn offers an exclusive selection of CAO cigars, ensuring that both aficionados and newcomers find the perfect fit for their taste. Explore our curated collection below and purchase your favorite today.

Innovating in the Cigar Industry

From its humble beginnings, CAO Cigars grew steadily, gaining recognition for its diverse portfolio and adventurous approach to blending. The brand's early releases, such as the CAO Gold and CAO Cameroon, showcased its ability to balance tradition with innovation, offering enthusiasts a range of flavors and profiles to explore.

In 2007, CAO Cigars joined the General Cigar Company family, a move that provided the brand with access to additional resources and expertise while allowing it to maintain its creative independence. Under General Cigar's stewardship, CAO continued to push the boundaries of cigar-making, introducing new blends and formats that captivated enthusiasts around the world.

Continued Innovation and Collaboration

In recent years, CAO Cigars has continued to innovate, introducing new lines and collaborations that appeal to a diverse range of palates. From the bold and spicy CAO Flathead to the smooth and creamy CAO Consigliere, the brand offers a portfolio that caters to both traditionalists and modern cigar enthusiasts.

Experience unmatched flavor and craftsmanship with CAO cigars. Explore the varied selection of cao flavors to find the perfect match for your palate.

Reasons to Buy CAO Cigars

  • Unique Tobacco Blends: The CAO Amazon Basin cigar is renowned for its rare Bragança tobacco harvested from the depths of the Amazon.

  • Exquisite Flavors: Whether you prefer full-bodied, robust flavors or something more subtle, there’s a CAO cigar for every taste.

  • Premium Quality: Known for their high standards, CAO cigars ensure every cigar is crafted to perfection.


  • Sophisticated Smoking Experience: Enjoy a complex flavor profile with each CAO cigar that offers depth and richness.

  • Versatility: With various cigars like the amazon basin cigar and CAO Brazilia, there’s something for every mood and occasion.

  • Reliability: CAO cigars consistently provide a premium smoking experience, making them a preferred choice among aficionados.


What does CAO in cigars mean?

CAO stands for the initials of founder Cano Aret Ozgener, who established the brand in 1968.

Where are CAO cigars made?

CAO cigars are crafted in some of the world’s finest tobacco regions, including Nicaragua and Honduras, ensuring top quality and flavor.

Award Winning Customer Service

We consistently strive to offer cigar enthusiasts the best possible buying experience - this includes an industry-leading customer service, mobile-friendly layout, fast and affordable shipping (including international orders!), consistently affordable pricing, and access to the most sought-after cigars on the market. Don't just take our word for it, here are some reviews that our past customers have left!

All pricing, promotions, and programs on this website are for online purchases only and can not be picked up at our retail locations. Copyright © 2006-2024, LLC is not responsible for typographical errors., Inc. All Rights Reserved. WARNING: does Not sell tobacco or tobacco related products to anyone under the age of 21. does NOT sell cigarettes. does not ship to Utah or Hawaii.