The legendary CAO Vision returns for 2020 after a decade-long absence from the ultra-premium cigar arena. First launched in 2007 as a limited-edition project, the cigars were quick to gain a following due to their lavish display. This included blue lighting within the cigar's box—which doubled as a fully functioning humidor—bathing the cigars in a subtle blue hue when the box was opened. But it wasn't all about aesthetics, as Cigar Aficionado awarded CAO Vision their No. 9 Cigar of the Year in 2007.
CAO Vision returns in limited quantities for 2020, offering a nod to the past with a modern twist. For starters, the blend is now under the guidance of Brand Ambassador Rick Rodriguez, who took inspiration from legendary Master Blender Benji Menendez when setting out to craft CAO Vision 2020. The cigar marks Rodriguez's first Cameroon-wrapped project, calling upon Benji Menendez's expertise to showcase his spin on the famed cigar style. CAO Vision then boasts a flawless African Cameroon wrapper, which is secured over an Ecuadoran Sumatra binder and Nicaraguan Habano fillers from the Estelí and Jalapa growing regions.
But the vision wouldn't be complete without the cigar's spaceship-like packaging, and CAO Vision 2020 delivers! The boxes are clean and white, with sharply defined straight edges creating a wedge shape at the lid. These displays double as fully functioning humidors, once again emitting a futuristic blue light that beautifully highlights the toothy sheen of the Vision's Cameroon exterior. The cigars perform greater than the sum of their parts, offering a medium body and refined flavors of clean cedar, aromatic cabinet spices, sweet cinnamon, brown sugar, and dashes of red pepper.
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