Raise your hand if you love Nicaraguan tobacco. Now, raise your other hand if you love Caldwell Cigar Company. Okay, now that you have both hands in the air, you can join us in hailing the release of the Blind Man’s Bluff Nicaragua! This Nicaraguan puro is a distinct departure for owner and visionary Robert Caldwell, who is well known for his work with aged Dominican tobaccos in his Long Live the King and The King Is Dead cigars.
Caldwell Cigar Co. now gives us a unique and robust take on an all-Nicaraguan cigar. A bold and flavorful blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos are surrounded by a spicy, aged Nicaraguan Habano wrapper. The BMB Nicaragua joins an already stellar Blind Man’s Bluff lineup, and is the first Nicaraguan puro released in Caldwell's core lineup.
Rolled by Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG) in Danlí, Honduras, the Blind Man’s Bluff Nicaragua cigar is a medium-to-full-bodied delight that will deliver true Nicaraguan flavors of dark-roast coffee, toasted bread, and leather—all with a spicy finish. You can put your hands down now, you'll need them to order your Blind Man’s Bluff Nicaragua!
Country of Orgin : Honduras
Strength : Medium-Full
Wrapper : Natural
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
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