Be it the The Last Tsar, be it the Savages cigar, be it the Far Eastern Standard, or a variety of other colorfully named releases, fans of Caldwell Cigar Co. have come to expect limited offshoots of the brand's core cigars.
The latest such release is dubbed Blind Man’s Bluff This is Trouble, taking aim at Caldwell's budget-friendly Blind Man's Bluff series for the first time. Since the original release in 2015, this brand has grown to include natural, maduro, and Connecticut-wrapped variants. With Blind Man’s Bluff This is Trouble, Caldwell has selected a Mexican San Andrés wrapper (a first for the series), used in conjunction with a Dominican binder and Dominican (Corojo and double ligero) and Nicaraguan Habano fillers.
Caldwell Blind Man’s Bluff This is Trouble is limited to 1,000 boxes for 2021, offering a medium-full body and atypical flavors for the adventurous palate, including Mexican chocolate, must, seasoned mushroom, and chicory coffee.
This Limited Product is no longer available. You might want to check out the original Blind Man's Bluff, by Robert Caldwell.