Going by the cigar's name, we're essentially obligated to start this description off with some sort of pun about "size not mattering" or some other such nonsense; seeing as how we're sophisticated hobbyists, we'll instead brush past such frivolities and cut straight to the climax: the Just the Tip cigar comes by way of Lost & Found Cigars, being the mini-sized version of the brand's 15 Minutes of Fame lancero.
Moving past the cigar's provocative title, Just the Tip is a Dominican creation from the minds of Robert Caldwell (Caldwell Cigar Co.) and Tony Bellatto (La Barba Cigars). For this project, the duo have partnered with the Ventura family and their El Maestro factory for production, making use of Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, a Sumatra binder, and a zesty Habano wrapper. With this shorter/girthier robusto, the cigar features a medium-bodied overall intensity, making for a classic experience that's lightly zesty and subtly sweet on the finish. Expect smoking characteristics of cabinet spice, cedar, toasted rye bread, and touches of caramel sweetness.
Country of Orgin : Dominican Republic
Strength : Medium
Wrapper : Habano
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Vincent Burgo - Caldwell Just The Tip Robusto
This was a really good afternoon smoke. Great flavors! A definitely must try!
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