Buy Camacho Connecticut Bold Churchill cigars online


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Camacho Connecticut Churchill
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Camacho Connecticut Churchill

Camacho Connecticut
7 x 48


Country of Orgin : Honduras
Strength : Medium
Wrapper : Connecticut

Product rating

Customer Reviews

  • Griselda Rodriguez

    Griselda Rodriguez - Camacho Connecticut Robusto
    TGS 2021. Connecticut wrappers are always a little mild to my palate. However if you are wanting a good morning smoke this is the one for you. You get hints of creaminess throughout that DOES NOT leave your palate with a strong peppery finish.
  • Derek Moon

    Derek Moon - Camacho Connecticut Robusto
    Not your typical Connecticut. This one is my top 5 Connecticuts it last more kick and less cream
  • Will Lynch - Camacho Connecticut Robusto
    Another well rounded cigar from Camacho! You can't go wrong with one of these early in the day. Creamy and plenty of smoke.
  • Kenneth Stewart II

    Kenneth Stewart II - Camacho Connecticut Toro
    Great cigar, kind of mild but with a little kick, great starter stick for new cigar smokers
  • Chad M

    Chad M - Camacho Connecticut Toro
    This is a good connecticut smoke that is light and creamy flavor. Always a well constructed cigars. These a good morning smokes.
  • Aaron Brown

    Aaron Brown - Camacho Connecticut Toro
    A milder strength cigar, the notes of cedar, spice, pepper and nuts are one of the best parts about it. If you are the one who want a cigar on the milder side then smack this stick in your cart!
  • Chad Manson - Camacho Connecticut Toro
    I’m always looking for a nice Connecticut, this is one of the better ones I’ve had. Very smooth and holds a great ash. Perfect paired with coffee.
  • Marshall Henry

    Marshall Henry - Camacho Connecticut Churchill (Verified buyer)
    This was a fantastic smooth creamy smoke with lots of cedar and some spice on the backend. Perfect construction.
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