For as far back as most cigar enthusiasts care to remember, there has been a limited-edition Camacho cigar coinciding with America's birthday. Known as the Camacho Liberty Series, this release showcases new and exciting tobacco blends each year, accompanied by original artwork/packaging and unique sizes. Essentially, the only aspect that doesn't change is the fact that you're in for one hell of a fine-tuned smoking experience!
The Camacho Liberty Series 2020 is sure to be the most eye-catching thing in virtually any humidor, sporting an American bald eagle decked out in a vibrantly colored red, white, and blue! These 20-count boxes are practically worth the price of admission by themselves, having an ultra-premium look and feel that makes for a fine display piece in any smoker's personal lounge.
Under the hood you will be greeted with 20 slide-lid cigar coffins, each safely housing a box-pressed 6" x 60 gordo cigar. This year's blend features a diverse selection of tobaccos from three countries, centering around a select assortment of Camacho's famed Original Corojo. Four different primings of said Corojo have been sourced from a single Honduran farm and vintage, allowing the leaves four years of aging before being incorporated into the final blend. These leaves make up the cigar's binder and portions of the filler, being joined by Dominican filler and topped with an oily Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. Smokers can expect a vibrant, full-throttled experience from start to finish, offering hearty characteristics of charred oak, mineral-heavy earth, leather, nostril-stinging cola, and sweet molasses.
This Limited Product is no longer available. You might want to check out the current 2021 Liberty Series by Camacho Cigars.