While the premium cigar scene has long dabbled with celebrity-fueled collaborations, it hasn't been until recently that said celebrities have gotten their hands dirty and truly spearheaded such releases. One of the more interesting examples is that of Chazz Palminteri and his Bronx Tale collaboration with Epic Cigars.
After debuting the limited A Bronx Tale cigar in 2023, Palminteri and Epic Cigars have returned with the regular-production A Bronx Tale Calogero cigar. The cigar is named after Palminteri's grandfather (and is also Palminteri's middle name), who emigrated to America from Sicily in search of a better life in 1908.
With the A Bronx Tale Calogero cigar, the blend is based on the 2023 limited release, featuring an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, a Dominican binder, and fillers from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. But while the original was offered in a single box-pressed size, the Calogero has expanded to a collection of four, offering a more approachable selection for cigar enthusiasts. The Bronx Tale Calogero cigar is medium-bodied, featuring a balanced assortment of cinnamon, nutmeg, medium-roast coffee, baking spices, and cream through the finish.
Country of Orgin : Dominican Republic
Strength : Medium
Wrapper : Habano
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Robert Bierman - Chazz Palminteri's A Bronx Tale Calogero Robusto (Verified buyer)
A fantastic flavored cigar Burns evenly and the taste is consistent from beginning to end It never changes while smoking I have their complete line and you cannot go wrong with this cigar It is amazing
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