A Bronx Tale Cigar: A Tribute to Passion and Heritage
Experience drama, tradition, and craftsmanship with the A Bronx Tale Cigar, a creation inspired by Chazz Palminteri's iconic story.
From the stages of the early '90s to the silver screen, "A Bronx Tale" has captured audiences everywhere. From the stages of the early '90s to the silver screen, "A Bronx Tale" has moved hearts everywhere. Chazz Palminteri extends his story to you through his collaboration with Paul DiSilvio of the Bronx-based La Casa Grande Tobacco Co. and Dean Parsons of Epic Cigars, crafting a smoking experience that's as rich in flavor as it is in history.
Inspiration Behind the Blend
Chazz Palminteri's journey from writing and starring in the original A Bronx Tale play, to bringing the mafioso crime drama to the big screen in 1993, reflects a life led with gusto. It is this essence, coupled with the lore of the Bronx, that shapes the Epic A Bronx Tale Cigar.
Craftsmanship and Blend
Masterfully created by Epic Cigars in collaboration with the boutique-minded Tabacalera Von Eicken factory in the Dominican Republic, this cigar boasts a lustrous Cuban-seed wrapper from Ecuador with a flavor-enhancing Dominican binder. Each cigar is packed with a rich blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers.
The A Bronx Tale Cigar is rolled in a 6" x 54 box-pressed format, known as "Calogero." This name not only references a beloved character from the film but is also a heartening homage to Palminteri’s grandfather, the original inspiration for his story.
Tasting Notes and Intensity
Prepare for a medium-full strength experience that's both punchy and refined. Connoisseurs will enjoy the symphony of flavors including cedar, toasted rye bread, a hint of cinnamon, and a delightful gingersnap cookie finish.
A Must-Have for Enthusiasts and Collectors
Whether you're a hobbyist, a collector, or a fan of the genre, the Epic A Bronx Tale Cigar offers more than a smoke—it's an indulgence in a story, a culture, and a history. Celebrating the spirit of doing "what your heart tells you to do," this cigar invites you to savor a piece of cinematic and cultural heritage.