Cigar Clowns King of Clowns


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Cigar Clowns King of Clowns

Cigar Clowns King of Clowns
Cigar Clowns King of Clowns Cigar Clowns King of Clowns

Cigar Clowns has built a reputation for its innovative and limited-edition releases, quickly becoming a favorite of cigar enthusiasts on the hunt for new and boutique smoking experiences. Elevating the brand to new heights, Cigar Clowns introduced the King of Clowns cigar in 2023, a limited / small-batch project that featured box packaging and high-grade bands for the first time.

Crafted in the Dominican Republic, the King of Clowns cigar features a rich San Andrés maduro wrapper and an undisclosed interior recipe. This makes for a medium-strength, full-flavored profile, bringing out a dynamic and evolving flavor profile. The cold draw presents an earthy character, transitioning to a burst of white pepper upon lighting. As the cigar burns, notes of smoked wood, earth, and caramel sweetness emerge, accompanied by hints of anise, herbs, and a subtle vanilla finish. This flavor-forward experience showcases Cigar Clowns' dedication to crafting cigars for the everyman—the "Joe Sixpack" with an appreciation for quality.


  • Country of Orgin : Dominican Republic
  • Strength : Medium
  • Wrapper : San Andres

*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.


Pack: 11
Size: 6×52
Smoke Inn Price : $126.95
Retail Price: $140.00
Pack: 5
Size: 6×52
Smoke Inn Price : $60.50

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