Cigar Dojo 2024 Top Cigars 5pk Sampler
Cigar Dojo has unveiled its highly anticipated Cigar of the Year 2024 selections, and Smoke Inn is once again honored to be the exclusive partner for the year-end sampler. This year, the Dojo's awards continue to celebrate excellence by spotlighting the Top 20 cigars of 2024—a tradition introduced in 2023 that expanded the recognition from the previous Top 10 format.
For 2024, Smoke Inn collaborated with the Dojo team to curate a standout sampler featuring five cigars that encapsulate the spirit of this year’s prestigious list. This exclusive collection offers enthusiasts a chance to experience some of the most celebrated cigars of the year in one convenient package. Stay tuned for details on availability and secure your sampler before they sell out!
Aganorsa Leaf Arsenio
Available in three sizes, this cigar features a Nicaraguan puro blend crafted with a Corojo ’99 wrapper from the Jalapa region, dual Criollo ’98 binders from Estelí, and a mix of undisclosed varietals from Jalapa and Condega in the filler. Among the options, the 6″ x 44 size stands out, delivering a concentrated smoking experience with a touch of extra spice on the retrohale.
Surprisingly mellow for an Aganorsa blend, the cigar prioritizes subtlety and complexity over raw intensity. Sweet on the palate with a gentle zest through the nose, it opens with highlights of sage and clean cedar. These flavors evolve into a creamy profile featuring caramel, cappuccino, buttered nuts, and a finish reminiscent of sugar cookies
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Corojo ’99
Body: Mild-Medium
Origin: Nicaragua
Umbagog Bronzeback
Offered in a single Rothschild size, the Bronzeback features an updated bronze-stamped version of the iconic Umbagog band. This densely packed cigar delivers a concentrated draw and smoke, channeling a familiar balance characteristic of Saka’s blends from the NACSA factory.
The experience begins with bold, slightly dry textures, with flavors centered on earth and black pepper. As the cigar progresses, the profile evolves to reveal notes of baker’s cocoa, a hint of licorice, and a surprising touch of maple sweetness.
Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf
Body: Medium-Full
Origin: Nicaragua
El Titan de Bronze Redemption
In 2024, the factory’s collaboration with General Cigar reached new heights with the national debut of the revamped Redemption cigar. This updated blend features an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper paired with an all-Nicaraguan binder and fillers, offering a classic yet nostalgic smoking experience that showcases El Titan’s signature Cubanesque style.
The cigar boasts expert craftsmanship, delivering a concentrated flavor profile with a flawless burn. Smokers can expect zesty yet balanced notes of freshly ground coffee beans, toasted rye bread, aromatic cabinet spices, and a cocoa powder nuance that intensifies as the cigar progresses.
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Habano
Body: Medium
Origin: USA
Black Works Studio Paper Crane
Characterized by a subtle pink hue, desflorado refers to the practice of removing the flower buds from tobacco plants before they bloom, channeling more energy and nutrients into the leaves. This prized wrapper is paired with an Ecuadorian Habano binder and all-Nicaraguan filler, crafted into box-pressed cigars available in two limited formats: Corona Gorda and Toro.
Medium-bodied but rich in flavor, the blend delivers a vibrant and tangy profile. Smokers can expect standout notes of citrus, white pepper, sourdough, and delicate hints of fruit-infused tea, creating a dynamic and juicy smoking experience.
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut Desflorado
Body: Medium
Origin: Nicaragua
Espinosa Sumatra
Erik Espinosa compares the Espinosa Sumatra cigar to The Colonel’s legendary “11 herbs and spices,” with perhaps an extra dash of zest added for good measure. The cigar highlights the spicy-sweet character of its Sumatra wrapper, perfectly complemented by an all-Nicaraguan core.
The result is a balanced, medium-bodied experience, featuring vibrant notes of red pepper, cedar, and nutmeg, rounded out by a finish of candied nuts for a satisfying and dynamic smoke.
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Sumatra
Body: Medium
Origin: Nicaragua
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