Don Jones - Cohiba Blue Robusto
Lots of leather, tobacco, and earth, which had a tendency to be overwhelming at times. Overall, a decent cigar and not overly priced like many Cohiba.
Nicholas Neher - Cohiba Blue Robusto
I was really surprised by this cigar. This cigar actually has a lot of sweet notes in it which I enjoyed
Griselda Rodriguez - Cohiba Blue Robusto
Can't go wrong with any Cohiba blue Vitolas. This particular one left me notes of "CREMA" and white chocolate. A mild to medium at best for me. A must try and a must revisit for me.
Nick Strunk - Cohiba Blue Robusto
Let me start off by saying other than the black label Cohiba I have not been a fan of the Cohiba cigars put out by the general tobacco company in America. With that being said the blue lane Cohiba was a quality stick for sure!! This is a lighter ( in flavor and strength) version of the black label and was such a pleasant surprise to me since I went in with some preconceived judgement. Would definitely recommend!!