The internationally acclaimed Cohiba name now finds itself adorned a softer milder new line. For decades the name has been a beacon for those seeking luxurious high quality premium cigars and that reputation was deep in the minds and hearts of the folks at General Cigars when developing the Cohiba Connecticut brand. It begins internally with a cornucopia of aged Brazilian Mata Fina, Dominican Olor and Piloto Cubana all bound by a zesty flavorful Mexican San Andres binder, and finally beautifully wrapped with a silky blonde Ecuador Connecticut leaf from the naturally cloud covered Los Rios Province. The net result is a bounty of creamy smooth mellowness saturated with hints of toasted nuts, sweet cream, cocoa, and subtle spice. A perfect way to start you day with your favorite cup of joe.
Country of Orgin : Dominican Republic
Strength : Mild-Medium
Wrapper : Connecticut
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Martin Kollman - Cohiba Connecticut Robusto
I will first say that this cigar is well made and burns so nicely it is a real pleasure to hold between the fingers. My dink is that it is so "vanilla" that I will have one and don't remember it. Not that it is bad but you start going through the motions of the smooth pine wood with caramel and a bit of creamy finish but then that is it. I find that I generally don't finish this cigar like I should but leave a big butt in the tray.
Don Jones - Cohiba Connecticut Toro
A very flavorful and pleasant cigar, great for beginners, but overpriced as expected for Cohiba. Smoke one if you get the chance.
John Caro - Cohiba Connecticut Toro
Great morning smoke with a cup of coffee. Mellow and smooth.
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