Over the years, Crowned Heads has been known to offer special versions of the company's most popular core-line cigars in limited, fine-tuned sizes. These releases feature an added sub-band to designate the cigars "Limited Edition," along with the year of release.
In the case of the Crowned Heads Mil Días Marranitos cigar (which first debuted in 2022), the company has taken the concept a step further, swapping the Ecuadorian Habano wrapper of the core-line Mil Días for a new Ecuadorian Sumatra ingredient, which Crowned Heads describes as “[the] same but different.”
New for 2023, Crowned Heads returns with the the Mil Días Marranitos E648 LE2023 cigar, building on the 2022 release with a new 6⅛ x 48 size. According to co-founder Jon Huber, the cigar is a nod to Eradio Pichardo (with 6⅛ x 48 being his preferred size), who operates the TacaNicsa factory where the cigars are made, and helped to create the Mil Días blend. The Mil Días Marranitos E648 LE2023 cigars are limited to 2,500 boxes (30,000 cigars) for 2023, offering a medium-bodied experience with highlights of clean cedar, browned butter, delicate spice, and touches of caramel.
Country of Orgin : Nicaragua
Strength : Medium-Full
Wrapper : Sumatra
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
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