Unless you were a cigar fanatic during the famed cigar boom era of the '90s, you're probably not terribly familiar with the Cuba Aliados brand. These cigars were among the more popular smokes of the time, being conceived of by Rolando Reyes Sr. and crafted at the Reyes family's own factory in Honduras.
With Oliva Cigar Co. also rising to prominence during the '90s, the company purchased the rights to the Cuba Aliados name in 2021, reviving their former competitor's cigar for the modern era. The updated cigars go by the name Cuba Aliados Original Blend, tasking the Eiroa family (perhaps the most respected Honduran farm/manufacturer) with handling production. The updated cigars are said to use the original blend envisioned by Reyes Sr., now benefitting from the praised tobaccos of the Eiroa family's Honduran tobacco fields.
The Cuba Aliados Original Blend is a Honduran cigar experience through and through, being balanced and flavorful from start to finish. With a medium-plus intensity, the cigars show flavors of sweet earth, gentle cabinet spice, toasted rye bread, and roasted nuts.
Country of Orgin : Honduras
Strength : Medium
Wrapper : Honduran
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Kenneth Stewart II - Cuba Aliados Original Blend Churchill
Great cigar, last a long time, subtle spice, nutty, nice smoke
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