Davidoff Chefs Edition 2021 is a limited edition, handcrafted cigar blended by Davidoff’s master blenders combining the art of blending, craftsmanship and talents that go into the crafting process with the subject matter of chef's cuisine. Blending leaf to perfection is not unlike creating a taste experience. Each cigar crafted comes alive through selecting tobacco leaves from their natural environment. The result is a cigar that uses a high percentage of native Dominican tobaccos grown in Davidoff’s fields. These super premium cigars are uniquely packaged in a Davidoff branded porcelain ashtray holding ten sticks and topped off buy a beautifully branded versitile wood cutting board!
Pair this exquisite cigar with the culinary masterpieces of the world's finest chefs, becoming immersed in an exclusive experience. Toast to excellence and enjoy what is exclusively Davidoff Chefs Edition Limited Edition 2021.
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