Buy Davidoff Escurio cigars online


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Davidoff Escurio

Davidoff Escurio
Davidoff Escurio Davidoff Escurio

In 2013, Davidoff shocked the cigar world with the introduction of the Davidoff Nicaragua, changing gears from the company's refined White Label offerings to tackle the fuller-bodied characteristics of Nicaragua. The cigars took on the mirror image of conventional Davidoffs, switching the iconic white band for a black variant, and the Black Band Collection was born.

Two years later, Davidoff was back on the search for exotic leaf, this time heading further south and ending up in the lively region of Rio, Brazil. The cigar took on the vibrant, rhythmic atmosphere of the city, which was brought out through an Ecuadorian Havana-seed wrapper, Brazilian Cubra-seed binder, and diverse fillers of Brazil and the DR.

Just as its predecessor had done, the Davidoff Escurio captivated the cigar enthusiast with a taste for new and unexpected flavor profiles. This includes a medium-plus body and unique nuances at every turn, with highlights of chili chocolate, ripe citrus, heavy earth, and key lime pie creaminess through the finish.


*No promotional codes or offers available with these items

  • Country of Orgin : Dominican Republic
  • Strength : Medium
  • Wrapper : Natural

*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.


Pack: 12
Size: 6 x 46
Smoke Inn Price : $228.95
Pack: 4
Size: 6 x 46
Smoke Inn Price : $76.00
Pack: 12
Size: 5 x 50/61
Smoke Inn Price : $244.95
Pack: 3
Size: 5 x 50/61
Smoke Inn Price : $61.00
Pack: 12
Size: 5.5 x 58
Smoke Inn Price : $266.95
Pack: 4
Size: 5.5 x 58
Smoke Inn Price : $89.00
Pack: 14
Size: 3.25 x 50
Smoke Inn Price : $154.95
Out of
Pack: 4
Size: 3.25 x 50
Smoke Inn Price : $44.00
Pack: 12
Size: 4.5 x 54
Smoke Inn Price : $239.95
Pack: 4
Size: 4.5 x 54
Smoke Inn Price : $80.00

Category Rating

Customer Reviews

  • Rob Pickett

    Rob Pickett - Davidoff Escurio Corona Gorda (Verified buyer)
    Very enjoyable blend in a nice format.
  • Sean Correia

    Sean Correia - Davidoff Escurio Gran Perfecto
    Spice, earth, leather and sweetness on this one. Full bodied and very tasty.
  • Shawn Albers

    Shawn Albers - Davidoff Escurio Gran Toro - 4 Pack (Verified buyer)
    Citrus, salt, red pepper flakes and earth. Definitely something different than the typical Davidoff, but still a nice smoke.
  • JACOB NEELY - Davidoff Escurio Robusto Tubo
    Big miss for me with this blend. I love Davidoff and Brazilian tobaccos but the balance is all off on this cigar and there's a bitter edge that detracts from the experience. The weakest of the three "black label" lines for my palate.
  • Matthew F - Davidoff Escurio Robusto Tubo (Verified buyer)
    Was given one of these to try by a good friend, love the cigar so much that I had to order a box. These are my favorite of the black label Davidoffs. Nice balance of sweetness with the spice.

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