Originally released during the 1960s, the storied Davidoff No. 1 cigar is closely tied to the brand's origins as a luxury Cuban offering. This fine-tuned specimen underwent its fair share of alterations over the next six decades, including a move to the Dominican Republic in the early '90s, a name change (Davidoff Classic No. 1), and the cigar's somber discontinuation in 2016.
Alas, Davidoff has returned to this connoisseur-centric beauty once more, reintroducing the cigars in limited quantities for 2023. Now dubbed Davidoff Signature No. 1 Limited Edition 2023, the cigars feature a highly calibrated tobacco recipe, including an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, an Ecuadorian hybrid 151 seco binder, and three different Dominican fillers: hybrid 192 seco, Piloto seco, and San Vicente seco.
The Davidoff Signature No. 1 Limited Edition 2023 cigar is rolled at the acclaimed Cigars Davidoff factory, offered in a 7½" x 39 panatela larga format that is topped with a subtle pigtail. There's no doubt about it, this is an exquisite smoking experience for the aficionado, allowing a rare glimpse at one of Daviodff's most beloved cigars. With a mild to medium intensity, the Signature No. 1 creeps across the palate and flows effortlessly through the nostrils with complexities of oak, Dominican must, aromatic botanicals, and semi-sweet vanilla wafers.
*No promotional codes or offers available with these items
Country of Orgin : Dominican Republic
Strength : Mild-Medium
Wrapper : Connecticut
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
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