Eighteen years after its launch, Davidoff presents the unique Special 53 – Capa Dominicana cigar in limited quantities for the 2020 smoking season.
Davidoff's tobacco agronomists at the famed TabaDom facilities in the Dominican Republic first set their sights on a true Dominican puro in the early '90s. At the time, this was not thought to be possible, as wrapper-grade tobacco had not yet been achieved. The agronomy team had to improvise, identifying suitable areas for growth, cultivating soils, and developing hybrid seeds that would yield tobaccos fit for the challenge.
The mission was accomplished in 2002 with the debut of the Davidoff Special 53 – Capa Dominicana. The cigar was rolled in a precise 6⅛” x 53 perfecto shape, a size determined to best showcase the vintage tobaccos within. For 2020, the original blend and shape return, with a dark 10-year-aged Dominican wrapper leading the charge! This leaf is secured over an eight-year-aged Dominican San Vicente seco and a host of Dominican fillers that are aged up to six and a half years. This results in an overall richer experience than Davidoff smokers may be accustomed to, bringing a medium to medium-plus body and highly concentrated flavor nuances of toasted oak, mineral-rich earth, grilled mushrooms, aromatic botanicals, toasted nuts, and a zesty combination of cinnamon and cardamom.
This Limited Product is no longer available. You might want to check other great lines from Davidoff like Colorado Claro, Millenium Series, Nicaragua, and Yamasa.