Davidoff Winston Churchill cigars have always carried the regal character of the man that inspired them. Now, Davidoff seeks to capture the complex nature of Sir Winston with a multi-origin blend, inspired by Sir Winston’s preferred indulgences—Scotch whisky and cigars.
It is said that Churchill accomplished his most crucial decisions and inspirations in the late hours of the night and into the early morning. In this way, Davidoff invites you to create your own unique stories and adventures, allowing the evening hours to be filled with enriching experiences and the start of something new!
Davidoff The Late Hour is the next chapter in the Winston Churchill series of cigars. For this special blend, Davidoff brings something entirely new to the table, aging a portion of the cigar’s filler blend in specially-selected Scotch whisky barrels from the Speyside region of Scotland. Indeed, tobaccos of Nicaragua’s Condega region have been firmly pressed within these American white oak barrels (formerly containing single malt Scotch whisky), allowing the leaves to heat and begin to ferment within the oak barrels. After six months, the Nicaraguan tobacco is married with an Estelí (Nicaragua) Visus leaf and three varietals of Dominican tobacco; this combination is then bound with a Mexican Negro San Andrés leaf and finished in a dark and oily Ecuadorian Habano wrapper.
Without question, the resulting experience is one that simply needs to be enjoyed first-hand to fully appreciate. Sure, the flavors can be “described,” such as having deep, robust characteristics of oak, black pepper, freshly ground coffee, cabinet spices, and distinct whisky smokiness in the aroma and on the cigar’s finish… but this is not a cigar to be described, but to be paired with an equally complex whisky—the start to a night filled beautifully!
*No promotional codes or offers available with these items
Country of Orgin : Dominican Republic
Strength : Medium-Full
Wrapper : Maduro
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Nicholas Neher - Winston Churchill The Late Hour Churchill
This Father’s Day my wife bought me a 5 pack of Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour. This cigar was one of the best cigar I've ever had.
Shawn Albers - Winston Churchill The Late Hour Churchill (Verified buyer)
A blend with great aroma and flavors. Bread, freshly cracked pepper and leather appear in the first third.
The second third the pepper dies down and a brown sugar note appears on the finish. On the retro, a pleasant blend of cocoa and baking spices.
The final third gives way to charred oak, scotch, a dried red fruit note and more leather. The only thing I can knock this for is I continuously had to touch up 2 of the 4 cigars I had.
Matthew Hartzell - Winston Churchill The Late Hour Churchill
Perfect construction and burn, however not a blend for my particular palate with a good amount of peppery spice.
I do prefer the lighter Winston Churchill blend between the two
Lialew Lee - Winston Churchill The Late Hour Churchill (Verified buyer)
Great stick. Great smoke aroma. Get chocolate, coffee, wood notes. These aren’t your daily smokes because of the price but great for good friends and good times.
Daniel Newman - Winston Churchill The Late Hour Churchill - 4 Pack (Verified buyer)
I was afforded the opportunity to try this cigar during an event. I found this to really epitomize a luxury cigar. The build and burn were exceptional, and the flavors were one of creaminess with a hint of spice. Makes for a very enjoyable experience and lives up to the Davidoff name.
Jonathan Lawson - Winston Churchill The Late Hour Churchill - 4 Pack
This was a very good cigar but it did not live up to the hype. The construction of the cigar was worth the price point though.
Don Jones - Winston Churchill The Late Hour Robusto
Unbelievably fantastic cigar with wonderfully blended flavors of coffee and wood, this cigar is one you shouldn’t pass up. Definitely try one given the chance.
Christopher Barnett - Winston Churchill The Late Hour Robusto (Verified buyer)
Probably my top three cigars! Perfect construction, packs s punch with its full flavor! Perfect cigar to end the night, hence it’s name!
Keith Webber - Winston Churchill The Late Hour Robusto
This is hands down my favorite Davidoff. Which may be unfair since I stay away from mild cigars which most of them are. This specific cigar is the perfect medium body, with mind blowing flavors and a perfect construction
Jeremy Caudill - Winston Churchill The Late Hour Robusto (Verified buyer)
This is my favorite blend by Davidoff. The name fits it perfectly because it is a great cigar to have late in the evening after a good dinner and desert. If you are a fan of Davidoff then these should be a staple in your humidor.
JACOB NEELY - Winston Churchill The Late Hour Toro (Verified buyer)
As good as the Winston Churchill but with a bit more wet earth coming into the core flavor profile. I keep these on hand at all times.
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