Beginning in 2011, Davidoff kicked off the now-famed Zodiac Series with the Year of the Dragon cigar. In the years following, the company has continued on an annual basis, debuting a new cigar (including a new size, packaging, and blend) in the fall, allowing enthusiasts the chance to secure the zodiac in time for the upcoming Chinese New Year (held on January 22 for the upcoming 2023 holiday).
With a total of 12 zodiac signs on the calendar, this year's release completes the cycle (although Davidoff could certainly go for a second loop), with the company debuting the Davidoff Limited Edition 2023 Year of the Rabbit cigar. Not surprisingly, Davidoff has pulled out all the stops for this special occasion, rolling the cigars in a shapely 5 15/16" x 54 double perfecto format, complete with a tightly wound pigtail cap to signify the rabbit's ears. This limited blend begins with a unique Ecuadorian hybrid 238 wrapper, extending to include a Mexican San Andrés negro binder and a whopping FIVE fillers (four from the DR and one from Estelí, Nicaragua).
Adding to the collector appeal, the cigars feature luxurious packaging, boasting thick wood and individually routed cigar slots made to mimic the connecting burrows that rabbits dig underground. The Davidoff Limited Edition 2023 Year of the Rabbit is a connoisseur's smoking experience, offering a medium intensity and delicately layered complexities of rich oak, lightly seasoned almonds, aromatic botanicals, raw honey, and spicy-sweet ginger snap.