Indulge in the smooth and creamy taste of Don Lino Connecticut cigars, the perfect smoking companion for any time of day. Carefully handcrafted at the world-renowned La Aurora factory in the Dominican Republic, this premium cigar is expertly blended using handpicked long filler tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and the USA, combined with a flavorful Dominican binder and a stunning, silky-smooth golden-brown Connecticut wrapper.
With a mellow to medium-bodied smoke, Don Lino Connecticut cigars boast warm and inviting flavors of cedar, leather, cocoa, and subtle touches of spice. The meticulous construction of these Connecticut-style beauties ensures a consistently satisfying smoking experience, true to the Don Lino tradition of excellence.
Whether you're a seasoned cigar connoisseur or just starting your journey, Don Lino Connecticut cigars are a must-try for anyone who appreciates the finer things in life. The smooth and creamy taste of these premium cigars is sure to delight your senses and make each smoking experience a memorable one. So, sit back, relax, and savor the luxurious taste of Don Lino Connecticut cigars.
Country of Orgin : Dominican Republic
Strength : Mild
Wrapper : Connecticut
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Ryan Miller - Don Lino Connecticut Robusto (Verified buyer)
This was a good cigar but not my fav conn. It was good with coffee in the morning but I found that the final 3rd tended to have a slight conn bitterness to them. Overall I would smoke this cigar again.
Mary Belcher - Don Lino Connecticut Robusto
Really not bad for the price. If I was a daily smoker this would probably be my go to. Nice smooth draw.
Jonathan Lawson - Don Lino Connecticut Robusto
I wish I could give this cigar more stars. It is one of the best connecticut cigars that ive smoked. It simply cant be beat at the price point.
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