In today's cigar climate, Ernesto Perez-Carrillo Jr. is a household name, being one of the most respected cigarmakers the world over. Carrillo began his cigar career in the late '70s, working with his father at the family's boutique El Credito factory, located in Little Havana on Miami’s historic Calle Ocho. He later sold the business to Scandinavian Tobacco Group and worked with the company for nearly 10 years, leaving in 2009 to launch his third act in the cigar business: EPC Cigar Co.
With E.P. Carrillo now in its milestone 10th anniversary, the commemorative E.P. Carrillo 10 Year Anniversary has been launched. This is a celebratory-class project befitting of the Carrillo family's many achievements, showcasing the company's two most highly awarded cigars in an awe-inspiring humidor. Both the La Historia and Encore lines are included, each being rolled in a new, 6½" x 56 box-pressed double figurado size. This shape is the most luxurious format offered to date from either blend in the Perez-Carrillo series. The box-press allows for ideal marrying of the tobaccos, as well as a cool smoke temperature, allowing for more discernible flavors. The double-tapered shape is both attractive and beneficial, offering a concentrated smoke onto the palate and a gradual evolution of flavor as the cigar burns through its expanding ring gauge.
There are 20 cigars included in the E.P. Carrillo 10 Year Anniversary, with 10 of each blend featured on opposite sides of the box. La Historia and Encore have been awarded Cigar Aficionado's No. 2 and No. 1 Cigar of the Year in the past five years, being praised for their layered complexity and unique flavor profiles.
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