El Titan de Bronze, the renowned boutique cigar factory in Miami’s Little Havana neighborhood, has re-introduced their Redemption cigar, becoming available to the national audience for the first time. Founded in 1995, El Titan de Bronze is known for employing highly skilled Cuban artisans, many of whom previously worked in Havana’s prestigious cigar factories. In recent years, El Titan's collaborations with General Cigar Co. have solidified their presence in the broader cigar market.
The overhauled Redemption cigar line features an entirely new blend distinct from previous versions. It's crafted with a sun-grown Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder from Estelí, and a filler blend from Nicaragua’s Estelí and Jalapa regions. This combination offers a unique smoking experience, touting El Titan's expert craftsmanship and Cubanesque smoking profile.
Redemption marks the first El Titan de Bronze line to be distributed by General Cigar, as the factory’s other lines are sold directly through its Little Havana location. With this release, El Titan de Bronze takes another step in reaching a wider audience, showcasing the work of its artisans to cigar enthusiasts across the country. Expect a fine-tuned smoking experience, offering a medium intensity and classic characteristics of cabinet spice, toasted bread, rich hardwoods, and coffee sweetness through the finish.
Country of Orgin : USA
Strength : Medium
Wrapper : Habano
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
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