Diners, Drive-Ins, and... Cigars? Yes, the exciting partnership of Espinosa and Guy Fieri continues apace, with the duo delivering the fourth cigar in the series as the Knuckle Sandwich Connecticut.
As with its beloved predecessors, the Knuckle Sandwich Connecticut cigar is named after Guy's chef-hat-wearing skull brand Knuckle Sandwich, with the cigars being blended by the Espinosa team to suit Guy's high-profile palate. Similar to the other cigars in the line, the Knuckle Sandwich Connecticut is rolled at A.J. Fernández's northernmost San Lotano factory in Ocotal, Nicaragua. The recipe consists of all-Nicaraguan fillers, a Nicaraguan binder from the Jalapa region, and the cigar's signature ingredient of an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper.
As could be expected from the mayor of Flavortown, the cigars are focused on engaging flavor above all else. With a medium-light intensity, the smooth Ecuadorian wrapper helps to deliver a creamy experience with a Nicaraguan edge, leading to standout notes of buttered toast, clean cedar, touches of citrus, and loads of cream through the finish.
Country of Orgin : Nicaragua
Strength : Medium
Wrapper : Connecticut
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Juan castillo - Espinosa Knuckle Sandwich Connecticut Robusto
Is ok not usually a Espinosa fan but this works for me perfect for my morning with cup coffee
Chad Moorman - Espinosa Knuckle Sandwich Connecticut Short Churchill - 5 Pack (Verified buyer)
not a bad Connecticut. A little spicy for a Connecticut not much creamy flavor. It's a good one to try but I would go with the habano knuckle sandwich
Tony McDowell - Espinosa Knuckle Sandwich Connecticut Toro (Verified buyer)
One of my favorite Connecticut cigars out there. It’s like a field of hay with a little pepper sprinkled.
Michael Anderson - Espinosa Knuckle Sandwich Connecticut Toro (Verified buyer)
Very good Connecticut. My new got to mild cigar on the golf course or in the morning. Thanks Alex
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