Five years after Espinosa Premium Cigars debuted the Laranja Reserva, often thought to be the cigar that helped define Espinosa as a company in the years following, Espinosa has now returned to the brand, tweaking the blend with an anticipated maduro counterpart.
Espinosa Laranja Reserva Escuro embodies the full-flavored characteristics that made Laranja a household name for cigar enthusiasts—swapping the orange-hued Brazilian wrapper of the original for a dark Brazilian Mata Fina maduro cover leaf. Like the original, the cigar makes use of Nicaraguan tobaccos throughout the binder and filler, but the addition of a hearty maduro wrapper brings a new, familiar smoking experience to the table. Fuller in body, Laranja Reserva Escuro offers a thrilling journey for the flavor-craved hobbyist, with highlights of chocolate-covered fruit, espresso, seasoned steak, hickory, and dark spices.
Country of Orgin : Nicaragua
Strength : Medium-Full
Wrapper : Brazilian
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
James Young - Laranja Reserva Escuro Toro (Verified buyer)
Great cigar! Plenty of spice throughout and on retro. Dark tasting notes, with strength. Loves this blend.
Sean Correia - Laranja Reserva Escuro Robusto Grande
Super flavorful Brazilian Mata Fina wrapper. Notes of earth, leather, espresso and spice.
Michelle Pauser - Laranja Reserva Escuro Corona Gorda (Verified buyer)
I purchased on recommendation by Alan Rubin (not the AB Alan Rubin ;) ) and he didn't steer me wrong. Nice and bold, deep flavors.
Chad M - Laranja Reserva Escuro Corona Gorda
This is a great darker stick with nice chocolate flavor and some retrohale black pepper spice to balance out that sweetness. Highly recommend at least 5 pack or more.
Carlos Line-Torres - Laranja Reserva Escuro Corona Gorda
A fantastic twist on what was an already great blend. A must try for all Espinosa fans
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