The Ferio Tego Metropolitan Connecticut cigar is the OG within the famed Metropolitan Selection, being conceived of by the historic Nat Sherman brand during the cigar boom of the early '90s. The cigar followed the taste of the era, being mild in body and swirling with aromatic flavor.
In the years following, much has changed, including the expansion of the Metropolitan line (now including five cigars), the unfortunate closure of the famed Nat Sherman company, and the cigar's rebirth through the Ferio Tego brand.
As Ferio Tego is the creation of former members of Nat Sherman Michael Herklots and Brendon Scott, the company has maintained its relationships with former manufacturers throughout Central America and the DR. Indeed, the cigars have not been altered in any way, showcasing the very same Connecticut Shade wrapper and all-Dominican binder/filler. This is a classic smoking experience for newcomers and veterans alike, revealing a soft experience and subtle nuances of sage, clean cedar, barnyard hay, and silky cream through the finish.