The Ferio Tego Metropolitan Habano is one of five blends under the classically-geared Metropolitan Selection. This series got its start during the boom of the early '90s, offering a duo of mild Dominican smoking experiences that helped make Nat Sherman (creator of the brand) not just a household name in NYC, but the entire US.
Fast forward to 2016 and the company, under the direction of Michael Herklots, decided that the series needed something edgier—something for the modern cigar enthusiast. Seeking a fuller-bodied experience, the cigars would be handled by the famed Plasencia family out of Nicaragua. This included the Plasencias' own Nicaraguan tobaccos throughout the blend, being topped with a zesty Nicaraguan Habano wrapper. The finished product ties in beautifully with its Dominican siblings, now offering a spicier, fuller-flavored experience within the Metropolitan Selection.
In 2021, Herklots and his Ferio Tego company acquired the Metropolitan Habano (along with all Nat Sherman brands) as Nat Sherman sadly closed its doors. The cigars have been given the care and attention they deserve, with Ferio Tego maintaining the original blend and sizes. The Ferio Tego Metropolitan Habano smokes as good as ever, showing off classic yet zesty flavors of cabinet spices, toasted cedar, roasted nuts, and touches of brown sugar.