Since 2019, the fan-favorite Timeless brand has seen a specialized, limited-edition cigar on a near-annual basis for the TAA Exclusive Series. Thankfully, for die-hard cigar hobbyists across the country, the trend continues for 2023, with Ferio Tego showcasing the Timeless TAA 2023 cigar.
As with recent releases in the series, the Timeless TAA 2023 is rolled out of the acclaimed Plasencia Cigars factory of Nicaragua, boasting a singular 6″ x 50 toro size. The blend begins with a Nicaraguan wrapper from the Estelí region, being joined by an all-Nicaraguan binder/filler from the Jalapa region. This blend is in contrast to the more-common style of Jalapa wrapper over Estelí filler, making for a dense smoking texture and a fun twist on the Nicaraguan profile. The cigars are medium-plus in body, offering engaging flavors from start to finish, including highlights of sweet earth, rain-soaked oak, and gooey molasses.
The Ferio Tego Timeless TAA 2023 cigar has been limited to only 800 bundles of 10 cigars, offering a sleek version of the Timeless design with black-on-black visuals and a red "2023" signifier for the release year.
*No promotional codes or offers available with these items
Country of Orgin : Nicaragua
Strength : Medium
Wrapper : Nicaraguan
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Steven Cholewka - Ferio Tego Timeless TAA 2023 (Verified buyer)
Been looking for these for a long time so I appreciate being able to find them sadly not going to smoke them for a while I really just want to let them sit and appreciate them.
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