Over the past 10-plus years, the García family has quickly risen to an elite status among manufacturers in the world of premium cigars. Through their famed My Father Cigars factory in Estelí, Nicaragua, the García’s produce some of the most sought-after cigars in the world; including a host of blends for their own My Father Cigars brand.
The García family’s status was solidified in 2012 when their Flor de las Antillas cigar earned the prestigious honor of Cigar Aficionado’s #1 Cigar of the Year. The cigar paid homage to the family’s roots in Cuba - which (Cuba) is known as the largest of the Antilles (or Antillas) Islands.
My Father then followed up this award-winning blend with a special maduro variety in 2015, released as a limited edition, shop-exclusive cigar. But in 2016 it was announced that the blend would go full scale, launching 5 box-pressed sizes across the country. Introducing Flor de las Antillas Maduro, a new, darker take on the beloved Antillas blend. Flor de las Antillas Maduro uses a very similar makeup as the original, incorporating 100% Nicaraguan tobaccos in the cigar's filler, as well as a unique double binder. But the golden, Sun-Grown wrapper from the original has been replaced with a rich, Ecuadorian Habano Sun-Grown Oscuro leaf - making for a completely new experience that is perfect for the maduro fanatic!
Get your hands on this special, once-limited blend - now available to the masses!
Country of Orgin : Nicaragua
Wrapper : Maduro
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Craig William Gilpin - Flor De Las Antillas Maduro Petit Robusto (Verified buyer)
I love these for a quicker cigar in this petite Robusto size. Beautifully wrapped with a consistent and deliciously sati disguise smoking experience. Flavors I like to describe as almost like a spice cake.
Craig William Gilpin - Flor De Las Antillas Maduro Petit Robusto (Verified buyer)
I love these for a quicker cigar in this petite Robusto size. Beautifully wrapped with a consistent and deliciously sati disguise smoking experience. Flavors I like to describe as almost like a spice cake.
Nathan pawlikowski - Flor De Las Antillas Maduro Petit Robusto
When I picked back up the hobby of enjoying cigars this was one of the first cigars I bought a box of. I think out of that entire box I didn't have one underwhelming smoke. They burn really well and the draw was near perfect. My palate has changed since then as I prefer a richer earthy cigar but this one will remain in my memory because it's fairly priced and is a great smoke no matter what you are doing. You could enjoy this as a yard gar or you could kick back, relax, and concentrate on the flavor profile. Either way I was not st all disappointed with these however I rated it a three because to me they are no longer a solid fixture in the rotation.
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