Foundation Cigar Company
Established in 2015 by Nicholas Melillo, Foundation Cigar Company has swiftly risen to prominence within the premium cigar industry, embodying a blend of tradition and innovation. Originating from Connecticut, the brand has garnered widespread recognition for its commitment to excellence and its pioneering approach to blending and craftsmanship.
Led by the visionary Nicholas Melillo, Foundation Cigar Company has become synonymous with quality and authenticity, drawing upon his deep-rooted passion for tobacco and his extensive experience in the industry. With a focus on artisanal techniques and meticulous attention to detail, each cigar in the Foundation portfolio is meticulously crafted to deliver a truly exceptional smoking experience.
Foundation Cigar Company distinguishes itself by its dedication to using only the finest tobaccos sourced from the most prestigious growing regions around the world. From the rich and complex Tabernacle line to the smooth and nuanced Charter Oak, each cigar showcases the brand's commitment to quality and its ability to create blends that appeal to a wide range of palates.
Driven by a spirit of exploration and innovation, Foundation Cigar Company continuously pushes the boundaries of cigar-making, introducing new blends and formats that captivate enthusiasts and aficionados alike. With each release, the brand seeks to challenge conventions and redefine the art of cigar craftsmanship, ensuring that every smoking experience is both memorable and satisfying.
As Foundation Cigar Company continues to evolve and grow, it remains dedicated to its core values of quality, craftsmanship, and integrity. With each cigar crafted with passion and expertise, the brand continues to uphold its reputation as a leader in the premium cigar industry, delivering unforgettable smoking experiences to enthusiasts around the world.
Award Winning Customer Service
We consistently strive to offer cigar enthusiasts the best possible buying experience - this includes an industry-leading customer service, mobile-friendly layout, fast and affordable shipping (including international orders!), consistently affordable pricing, and access to the most sought-after cigars on the market. Don't just take our word for it, here are some reviews that our past customers have left!