General Cigar Company | Premium Cigars | Smoke Inn


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General Cigars

General Cigar Company, a titan in the premium cigar industry, epitomizes a legacy of excellence and innovation. Established as one of the largest producers of cigars globally, the brand has solidified its reputation through a diverse portfolio of iconic blends and timeless classics. With a commitment to quality craftsmanship and meticulous attention to detail, General Cigar Company has consistently delivered exceptional smoking experiences to enthusiasts worldwide. Renowned for its extensive range of brands, including Macanudo, Cohiba, and Partagas, the company offers a plethora of options to suit a variety of preferences and tastes. Among its best-selling offerings are the Macanudo Inspirado series, celebrated for its rich flavors and impeccable construction, and the Cohiba Red Dot line, revered for its luxurious blend of tobaccos. These flagship cigars, alongside perennial favorites like the Partagas and the La Gloria Cubana Serie R, have earned General Cigar Company a devoted following among aficionados. With a legacy spanning decades, General Cigar Company continues to innovate and evolve, introducing new blends and limited editions that push the boundaries of cigar craftsmanship. From the bold and spicy CAO Flathead to the smooth and creamy Hoyo de Monterrey Excalibur, each cigar reflects the brand's dedication to excellence and its commitment to providing unforgettable smoking experiences. As General Cigar Company looks towards the future, it remains dedicated to its founding principles of quality, tradition, and innovation. With each cigar crafted with passion and expertise, the brand continues to uphold its legacy as a leader in the premium cigar industry, delivering timeless classics and innovative blends that captivate enthusiasts worldwide.

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We consistently strive to offer cigar enthusiasts the best possible buying experience - this includes an industry-leading customer service, mobile-friendly layout, fast and affordable shipping (including international orders!), consistently affordable pricing, and access to the most sought-after cigars on the market. Don't just take our word for it, here are some reviews that our past customers have left!

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