It's no secret that Christopher Columbus' discovery of the New World is integral to the canon of premium cigars, with tobacco consumption racing across the globe in the years that followed. Many cigars pay homage to this important fact, including Gran Habano's La Conquista cigar. As you might have guessed, La Conquista translates to The Conquest, showcasing a truly classic design, complete with cedar-sleeve packaging and a 15th century-inspired vista painting seen throughout the box and band.
While the core of Gran Habano's cigars have largely focused on Honduran tobaccos, the company is no stranger to working outside the box, especially concerning Nicaraguan leaf. This is perhaps best evidenced with the Gran Habano La Conquista cigar, featuring Nicaraguan tobacco in each aspect of the blend (wrapper/binder/filler). This includes a Nicaraguan Corojo wrapper and binder, with fillers of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Colombia. Tied together, this concoction is as classic in profile as the branding alludes, being medium-bodied, lightly zesty, and bringing balanced nuances of cedar, sweet earth, cabinet spices, rye bread, and touches of citrus.
Country of Orgin : Honduras
Strength : Medium
Wrapper : Corojo
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
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