Over the years, Gurkha Cigars has become well-known for their edgy, eye-catching packaging and presentations, quickly standing out in even the most well-stocked humidors. And while the Gurkha Marquesa is equally attractive from the outset, the cigars showcase a much different approach. Marquesa draws cues from Cuba's heyday, featuring an ornate, hand-drawn look not unlike the beloved Habanos of yesteryear.
Complimenting Gurkha Marquesa's nostalgic vibe is an added twist, as the cigars come packaged in both box-pressed and traditional parejo shapes within each box! This 50/50 split allows smokers the opportunity to experience the subtle changes brought on through the simple act of altering a cigar's shape. The draw, the smoking temperature, the feel in the hand, the burn time, the complexity... all will differ between the box-pressed and non-pressed formats. It's up to each individual smoker to determine which format is preferred.
Gurkha Marquesa showcases an elegant blend, boasting Nicaraguan fillers from the Estelí and Ometempe regions. This mixture is bound in a Nicaraguan leaf and finalized with a stunning Sumatran wrapper. The end result is among the most balanced and complex from Gurkha to date, bringing a medium body and flavor characteristics of buttered nuts, squash, cabinet spices, classic barnyard hay, cedar, and graham crackers.