Gurkha Real is a no-nonsense cigar for those seeking smooth and agreeable, fine-tuned flavor—i.e. this cigar is the real deal!
With the Gurkha Real, the company has opted for a stripped down approach, displaying simplistic boxes and bands, allowing for a greater focus on the smoking experience itself. This includes a bronze-hued Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, secured over a Dominican Olor binder and a diverse filler of Criollo ’98 ligero and seco from the DR, as well as a portion of Nicaraguan seco for added balance.
The cigars are mild to medium in body, displaying a soft and creamy coating over the palate. This is a cigar that doesn't demand one's attention, simply enhancing and complimenting most anything life throws your way. Flavors range from white pepper and sage, to classic notes of barnyard hay and cedar, to standout nuances of citrus, browned butter, and vanilla cream.
Country of Orgin : Dominican Republic
Strength : Mild-Medium
Wrapper : Connecticut
*Please note that all SKUs have two product lines. The top line is the box/bundle count. The second line is less than a box/bundle count and will be shipped as loose cigars in a humidified bag.
Kenneth Stewart II - Gurkha Real Toro
Good cigar, very mild, some nuttiness, creamy, great for someone new to cigars
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